WinBidPro v16 Change Log
1/15/25, 4:45 PM
New request add/edit system/vendor window.
Screen connect link added to Help Menu.
Bug Fixes:
Asymmetric rake peaks miters formula was slightly off.
Rake to floor functions redone to handle more cases.
Floating vertical joints were not being counted.
Specific corrupted detail error handling added.
Alternate tooltab highlights ghosting onto other elevations.
1/15/25, 4:45 PM
Bug Fixes:
Elevation drawing exports and shop drawings were not for many when assembly details were included
Details in cad exports are better aligned
Fixed an issue editing job entrances after changing their panel number in the entrances tool tab
1/8/25, 6:40 AM
Bug Fix:
•Fix for RO dim bug introduced in 16.10.9
1/7/25, 6:40 AM
• Door Jamb height dimension takes priority over the RO dimension when they are the same.
• DLO dimension font will scale down when the opening is small so it doesn't overlap with other dimensions
• Bug reports now have an optional callback number field.
Bug Fixes
• Fixed a permission issue uploading cad details for most users
• Hotfix: When another user open the job you have open, it will close the program automatically rather than get stuck in an error state before crashing. In the future, it will simply close the job.
• Excluded back members will now be shown above all other layers of the drawing to be more apparent the exclusions exist
• Fixed a bug where horizontal splices at the sill could also affect the next row above
12/5/24, 6:50 AM
• Page numbers were added to label sheets
Bug Fixes
• Trial accounts can now link and send jobs to Tech Support and any other non-trial account
• Minor fix to tool tabs on small screens
• The printed Elevation Labor report did not calculate costs correctly if labor rates were different per role (Fabricator, Installer, etc).
• Some tool tabs did not properly refresh when the framing system of the active elevation was swapped for a different system.
12/5/24, 6:50 AM
Bug Fixes
• Panels shortened by height commands in the Adjust Panels tool tab were too short when there was a top caulk joint.
• The cut list will was allowing users to enter non-optimizable parts such as hardware and gasket parts.
11/8/24, 8:30 PM
• Added the ability to upload custom CAD details
• Added "Frameless Partition" and "Window" framining system categories
Bug Fixes:
• GlassBiteBottom was being used at the transom header
• Currency values in Final Parts Grid printout were not rounding to nearest 2 decimals
• Merges were sometimes causing a plice in the pressure plate and face covers to the right of the merge
• Glazing adaptors did not support 1/32 adjustments
• The "Add" button of the merge tooltab was not always enabled under the correct conditions
• When editing an existing Sill or Head Receptor, the trim value and related options were not loading and allowing edits properly.
10/29/24, 10:00 PM
• Job glass list saves the grid layout and gets a new generated column Location.
Bug Fixes:
• Limit removed from the frame components profile.
• It was possible to delete glass products that were assigned to only custom glass.
• Door leaf index added to glass modifications to prevent duplicate key bug.
10/23/24, 10:00 PM
Glass can be assigned to operable window openings and appears in the operable windows report.
New settings properties in the job details and team settings added for adding additional drop length to rake and arch cut list items.
Bug Fixes:
Reveal quick edit input only appears when the corresponding receptor is enabled.
Always show the title block download button in the shop drawings view.
Lite label positioning formula couldn't handle negative glass bite hack.
Arched fragments lengths function update to handle cases where the fragment could be slightly short because of the angles.
When adding a rake, editing an input in the toolbar could cause the save button to be disabled.
Vertical Trim quick edit input was removed from the components tab for now but might return in the future under a special edit components setting.
10/16/24, 7:30 PM
• Cut list printed report gets a landscape version for fab guys who view it on a monitor.
Bug Fixes:
• The installer now packages WebView2 which was causing some issues for older OS's
• The bulkhead dim got its text plane reversed in order to be more compatible with shop drawing exports.
10/8/24, 6:00 PM
• Reveal and Trim added to assembly quick view.
• Order horizontal commands in the tool tab by their Y.
Bug Fixes:
• The RO dim was being disabled if you have no caulk because we assumed that the RO would equal the Frame dim however recently this was found to not always be true.
• A bug in sill receptor logic was causing the sill receptor to always be interrupted.
• Operable window behavior selection could imprint the wrong highlights.
• Entrance referenced by bug fixed to use Mark instead of Name.
• Make elevation labor report grid copiable.
• Subframe type error when changing type in a po elevation.
9/27/24, 1:00 PM
• Updated to the newest release of our third party CAD Engine.
• Rake snap points extended out by caulk values.
• When export unit dim set to Fractional we now append the quotation marks in the export.
• Improve the chance of generating a drawing when a metalogic error is encountered. We remove disfigured generated parts to give the drawing it's best shot at being rendered.
Bug Fixes:
• Caulk made a comeback appearing across entrances where it shouldn't.
• Dimension logic needed to be updated to handle bottom rakes.
• Rake to floor stability "improved".
• CAD tool update solves caulk taking over the elevation bug.
• Elevation labor report view was a dead end.
• Filter could crash when an item was edited out of the filtered items.
• CRL doors were seeded with a part that had the wrong handling type which was revealed by the final summary not printing.