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Price Corrections for Coral Architectural Products 2022 r3 Catalog


The Coral catalog has been updated to 2022 r4 because certain accessory parts had the wrong pricing.

The prices for these parts in the r3 catalog were the result of the package price multiplied by the package quantity for the part.

We fixed this in the r4 catalog by dividing the package price by the package quantity to get the correct package price. You can fix your own r3 catalog by doing the same thing.

Here is how to fix it:

  • Click the Parts List link in the menu tree

  • Click the Package Qty heading until the list is sorted from largest to smallest. This will show all of the accessory parts at the top of the list.

  • You will notice a part like AS2 with the price way too high. Follow the steps above to calculate the correct package price and simply edit the value in the list

This will fix your catalog for all future jobs. If you have current jobs that are off on pricing, you can edit the price in the Final Parts window for that job.



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